Chapter 1: We share a common purpose, mission, vision and values
Chapter 2: We are nonpartisan
Chapter 3: We are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion
Chapter 4: We work on vital issues of concern to members and the public
Chapter 5: We share a 100 year history
Chapter 6: We are part of a national, statewide and local structure
Chapter 7: We abide by a Member Code of Conduct
Chapter 8: We “Speak With One Voice”
Chapter 1: National, State and Local Action
Chapter 2: Empowering Voters
Chapter 3: Defending Democracy
Chapter 4: Civic Education
Chapter 5: Member Engagement
Chapter 1: Understanding the Levels of League Organization
Chapter 2: Forming a LWVMN State Unit
Chapter 3: Creating a Local League Structure that Reflects Your Membership
Chapter 4: Running Efficient League Meetings
Chapter 5: Establishing Local League Guidelines and Requirements
Chapter 6: Understanding Member Eligibility, Payments and Dues
Chapter 7: Recruiting, Engaging and Retaining Members
Chapter 8: Developing an Effective Communications Plan
Chapter 9: Planning Member and Community Education Meetings
Chapter 10: Plan and Engage Members in Voter Service Activities