Part III – Chapter 1

Understanding the Levels of League Organization

i. Levels of Local League Organization

Local Leagues are the grassroots of the LWV structure. LWV United States (LWVUS) and LWV Minnesota (LWVMN) work together with local Leagues to accomplish our shared mission of empowering voters and defending democracy. There are several different ways members can participate in the LWV family:

State Member at-Large
Individuals who are interested in keeping an eye on state initiatives with little or no involvement with local Leagues.

  • Reside outside the area of a local League or choose not to join a local League.

  • Are members of LWVMN and LWVUS.

  • Are under the supervision and direction of LWVMN President and Board.

  • May take action on state and national program priorities only as an individual citizen.

  • Cannot represent the League in their communities unless specific permission has been obtained to act in the name of the League from the LWVMN board.

Member at-Large State Unit
A recognized group of State Members at-Large in an area where there is no local League.

Local League
The Board of Directors of LWVUS grants local League recognition to groups that have fulfilled the requirements of LWVMN and LWVUS board. Only one local League shall be recognized in any community. Members are organized into local Leagues to promote the purposes of the League and to take action on local governmental matters.


Formal LWV organizations recognized by LWVUS. ILOs are established because their members recognize the need to work together at the regional level to most effectively and responsibly solve problems that transcend political boundaries.

Council of Metropolitan Area Leagues (CMAL)
CMAL is an Inter-League Organization made up of local LWV members in the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area. This ILO was founded over 50 years ago and has written many educational publications to educate metro area League members and the general public on issues and concerns specific to the Twin Cities region.

Upper Mississippi River Region (UMRR)
UMRR is an Inter-League Organization made up of members and Leagues from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois to protect the Upper Mississippi River Basin and increase the effectiveness of the League's work on natural resources.


Page last updated: July 27, 2021