Legislative Session 2025

Updated February 17, 2025


Recap from Past Sessions



The LWVMN board of directors has set these priorities for the 2025 MN Legislative Session based on prior legislative session results, input from community partners, their relevance to LWV’s mission, their political feasibility and urgency, and staff capacity. Our overall strategy is to:

  • Ally with partners who are leading on legislation in all other priority areas.

  • Engage our members through involvement in our priorities, and assisting in facilitation of their individual interests that align with our LWVMN positions. 

  • Continue to use a lens of racial justice in all our legislative work, and to especially acknowledge the intersectionality of racial justice with other issues.

  • Engage a Capitol Pathways Intern from the Citizens’ League to assist with Observer & Lobby Corps.

2025 Legislative Priorities

  1. Elections Administration - improvements to election administration that benefit voters and election officials based on lessons learned from recent elections and oppose any changes that do not balance voter access and election security.

  2. Redistricting Reform - prioritize congressional and legislative redistricting reform to establish redistricting processes at the state and local level which are driven by citizens through citizen commissions; include prioritized principles that place minority representation and communities of interest above geographic and political considerations; and establish transparency through public input and review.

  3. Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) - promote the adoption of a ballot issue in 2026 to add the ERA into the Minnesota State Constitution that is consistent with the positions of LWV.

    • SF473 - Constitutional amendment to provide equal rights under the law and prohibits discrimination based on account of race, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, or sex including but not limited to pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, and reproductive freedom, gender identity or gender expression, or sexual orientation.

  4. Climate Change - continue to support the Minnesota Environmental Partnership in working toward solutions to climate change with our volunteer-led Climate Change Task Force by addressing zero waste solutions, protecting natural resources and promoting government accountability.

    • SF492 - Certified salt applicator program establishment

Other 2025 Statewide Priorities

LWVMN will also engage in education and support of the following issues, as time, resources and member engagement allow, ensuring that they are consistent with the positions of LWV and LWVMN.

  • Ranked Choice Voting - continue to support Ranked Choice Voting as an option for local governments, and become further educated about its feasibility for statewide elections.

  • Money in Politics - support campaign finance enforcement and policies that enhance political equality for all citizens, ensures transparency, protects representative democracy from distortion by big money, and combats corruption and undue influence in government.

  • End of Life Options - support laws ensuring end of life options.

  • Budget - observe and advocate for budget appropriations that align with the League’s positions.

Deeper Dive

Learn more about these policies through our trusted partners:

stylized legislature building


LWVMN is proud to partner with many organizations and coalitions that share our pro-voter mission and pro-democracy values. For the 2025 legislative session, these include: 


Members of LWVMN are able to advocate on issues which have been studied, and voted upon by its members. A full review of LWV positions at the US and State level can be found in our Program for Action. A review of past LWV studies can be found here.


We will be advocating at the Capitol through a variety of events. Here are some upcoming opportunities:

Observer Corps / Lobby Corps

LWV members get involved in the legislative process through our Observer & Lobby Corps (OCLC). This process educates members about how to effectively advocate for issues, and acts to inspire and coordinate member action with legislators to achieve our desired policy outcomes. 

Advocacy Resources

Use these helpful resources to be effective at the Capitol this session!

Learn More!

LWVMN continues to follow and be involved in a variety of additional advocacy efforts. Learn more about these important issues.

Limiting the Power of Super PACs - Maine Voters Did In 2024, What Does It Mean for Minnesota? A Clean Elections MN Conversation with Harvard Law’s Lawrence Lessig & Maine State Senator Rick Bennett (R)

Citizens United Explained & Fifteen Years Later, Citizens United Defined the 2024 Election (Brennan Center)

How State Voting Rights Acts Can Build a More Inclusive Democracy (naacpldf.org)

SAVE Act Would Undermine Voter Registration for All Americans (Brennan Center)

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