Inter-League Organizations

Inter-League Organizations (ILOs) are formal LWV organizations recognized by the LWV United States. ILOs are established because their members recognize the need to work together at the regional level to most effectively and responsibly solve problems that transcend political boundaries.


Council of Metropolitan Area Leagues (CMAL)


The Council of Metropolitan Area Leagues (CMAL) is an Inter-League Organization (ILO) made up of all local LWV members in the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area. This ILO was founded over 50 years ago and has written many educational publications to educate metro area League members and the general public on issues and concerns specific to the Twin Cities region.

Based on its studies, CMAL has taken positions through a process of consensus to advocate and lobby for its positions (see section in LWV Minnesota’s Program for Action). CMAL helped to pass the groundbreaking revenue-sharing law in 1971 known as “Fiscal Disparities.” CMAL has also supported the services provided by the Metropolitan Council.

Officers & Board of Directors

  • President - Karen Schaffer

  • Vice President - Carol Barclay

  • Secretary - Martha Micks

  • Treasurer - Peg DuBord

  • Communications - Peg DuBord

  • Directors - Dick Ottman, Joann Ellis, Thana Ross, Wes Volkenant

Contact Information

Current Study

In January 2020, CMAL delegates decided to establish a committee to update CMAL’s position on county government. The study committee, led by Mindy Greiling (LWV Roseville Area), engaged in research regarding the accountability, visibility and accessibility of county government in the metro area, as well as the relation between county government and other levels of government. The Report will be unveiled January 15, 2022, at 10:00 on Zoom. Meeting attendees will have the opportunity to evaluate the proposed consensus questions which, when approved, will be sent out to all metro area LWVs to hold consensus meetings. A revised position would be considered by CMAL delegates at CMAL’s annual meeting on May 14, 2022.

Timeline for 2022:

  • January 15: County Study Report and proposed consensus questions unveiled. All LWV members are invited to attend Zoom.

  • February-March: Metro area LWVs hold consensus meetings and report results to CMAL.

  • April 9: If deemed appropriate, CMAL Board adopts revised position on county government.

  • May 14: CMAL delegates vote on revised position at CMAL Annual Meeting.

Toolkit for 2022 County Government Study:

Upper Mississippi River Region (UMRR)


The League of Women Voters Upper Mississippi River Region ILO was formed in 2015. The state Leagues of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois are members, as well as 62 local Leagues from the Headwaters to southern Illinois. Some issues are best understood and dealt with on a regional level that transcends political boundaries. That’s especially true for water issues. What goes into the Upper Mississippi River is determined by decisions, actions, and choices made in a very large area​. The UMRR ILO is a 501(c)3 organization incorporated in Wisconsin. 

Officers & Board of Directors

  • President - Mary Ellen Miller (LWV Metro Des Moines – Iowa)

Contact Information


History of UMRR

Members of the LWVs in Jo Davies County, IL and Dubuque, IA first met to discuss the idea of forming an ILO in June 2014 after collaborating to present the program Storm Water From the Ground Up, a project of the LWV-Lake Michigan Region ILO. We formed a steering committee and began reaching out to local LWVs in our region. To form an ILO, we needed support from 2/3 of the 78 Leagues in these four states and approval from LWVUS. All this came together in 2015, and our first annual meeting was held on October 25, 2015. In 2022, we have 62 member Leagues – four state Leagues and 58 local Leagues.


LWV UMRR is uniquely positioned – we are a multi-state ILO focused on protecting and enhancing the Mississippi River. The board and members of UMRR are active, engaged, and passionate, and are also involved in other organizations, giving us a broad base of knowledge about what’s happening around us.

Now it's time to take advantage of our unique position to lead our member Leagues in advocating for the Mississippi as big federal bills like the Farm Bill, MRRRI and SMRT boil through Congress. This program for action takes the work we've done together and points us toward our work for the future.

To do this, LWV UMRR will:

  • Build upon the affiliations LWV UMRR members have in other LWVs and other organizations focused on the Mississippi to seek opportunities to advocate for the river in a broad, national context.

  • Lead LWV in supporting federal legislation to protect the Mississippi River’s quality and quantity:

    • Mississippi River Restoration and Resilience Initiative – introduced, but stalled

    • Safeguarding our Mississippi River Together – introduced, but stalled

    • 2023 Farm Bill – hearings happening now, reauthorized every five years

  • Work with our member state Leagues and LWVUS to build effective advocacy based on LWV positions, and partner with organizations actively working on these bills.

  • Research and assess the possibility of an Upper Midwest Compact to protect the Mississippi from water diversion.

Approved May 21, 2022 at the LWV UMRR Annual Meeting