Bill Tracking
This page allows Lobby Corps members to keep track of bills in the legislature that concern certain topics. Scroll down the page to find the topic you are interested in and click the link to see the bill list.
Bill searches were created to find bills that contain certain words or phrases. For example, the Voting Rights & Election Law bill tracking finds bill with words like "ballot" or "voter". The searches are not perfect, but are fairly accurate. Bills are listed in reverse chronological order, with bills that have most recently been acted upon (vote, committee referral, author change, etc.) at the top. Click on a row once to expand the row and read more information in each row. You can also click the Bill Number to learn details about each bill. You can also sort the bills by clicking on a column heading.
If you have questions about reading or understanding the information on these pages, please contact the state office.
Including Election Policy, Redistricting, Equal Rights Amendment and Climate Change
Voting Rights & Election Law
Including Provisional Ballots, Restore the Vote, and the Voting ProcessFair District Maps
Including Redistricting, Apportionment, and CensusMoney in Politics
Including Campaign Finance, Lobbying, and Political AdvertisementsTransparency & Citizens' Right to Know
Including Data Practices, Freedom of Information, and Open MeetingsClimate Change
Including Climate and Energy, Transportation, Environment and Natural Resources, and AgricultureHealth & Human Services
Including Health Care and Services to Children and FamiliesJobs
Including Economic DevelopmentSocial Policy
Including Equal Opportunity and Meeting Basic Human NeedsCrime, Public Safety, & Judiciary
Including Judiciary, Firearms, and Sentencing Policy