What is We Choose Us and Why is the League of Women Voters Joining the Campaign for Multiracial Democracy in Minnesota

The League of Women Voters of Minnesota joined the coalition of grassroots organizations, unions, and advocacy groups fighting for a multiracial democracy across Minnesota. We have attended three “launch parties” over the past few months in Minneapolis, Rochester, and Duluth to introduce the We Choose Us campaign. Community leaders and elected officials shared inspiring stories about the threats to our democracy and what’s possible if we include everyone. The Democracy Summits happening now are meant to identify our personal stake in the movement and what’s keeping us apart. As a League member, you know that there has never been a more important time to stand up for our mission. 

From the Jan 6 attack to the spread of election misinformation at county board meetings, hyperpartisanship and fear are rampant across our communities. As the Summits make clear, certain people profit off of our division and hinder participation in our democracy. Powerful people want to enact voting restrictions and spread lies about our elections which diminishes trust across Minnesota. The League of Women Voters is responding with facts to support election officials and administrators while instilling confidence about the integrity of our elections. We know that our elections are secure and accurate through our many safeguards and impressive voting history.

Minnesota leads the country in voter turnout because of leaders like Sally Munger who spoke about the importance of voting and protecting the environment at the Duluth launch. The relationships and personal stories from the We Choose Us campaign will lead to a shared policy strategy that protects and strengthens the democracy we have and imagines something we've never had before. LWVMN will continue to be a trusted source of election information, and a multiracial democracy allows us to push our policy priorities forward and empower all people. As always, we remain committed to nonpartisanship and defending democracy. 

DemocracyLWV Minnesota