Steps LWVMN is Taking to Flatten the Curve of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

This afternoon, Governor Walz issued a peacetime state of emergency due to health concerns about COVID-19. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has recommended canceling small events that cannot permit social distancing of 6 feet between each person. MDH has also recommended that gatherings that include at-risk individuals should be limited to no more than 10 people.

For these reasons, we are cancelling our Day at the Capitol and moving to telework on Monday 3/16, just as several other organizations are doing. 


March events are canceled or rescheduled as video meetings; April events will continue as scheduled at this time

 Canceled: Day at the Capitol

  • There will be no replacement for our advocacy boot camp that was scheduled for Day at the Capitol. Instead, we encourage you to review our Action Alerts (linked below) for important issues and talking points.

  • If you arranged a time to meet with your legislator, it is likely that your legislator will cancel the meeting, and members may wish to do so for health concerns as well. Instead, consider asking your legislator to keep time set aside for a phone call with one constituent. We also encourage members to reschedule additional times for calls if you had arranged meetings for multiple people at once.

  • Check out our Action Alerts and call your legislators about these issues. We encourage members to call once per day next week, with a different issue each day.

  • Read the latest issue of our Capitol Letter.

  • A separate email will also be sent to those who registered for Day at the Capitol. 

  • Please consider joining our video meeting Capitol Chat (below).

New Event: Capitol Chat

  • Attend our newly scheduled Capitol Chat. The Capitol Chat is an opportunity for League members and members of the public to hear from LWVMN staff on what is happening at the Capitol. This will be an opportunity for League members and the public to ask questions as well.

  • The Capitol Chat will be on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, from 7:00pm-8:30pm.

  • The Capitol Chat will be a video meeting. Join the Capitol Chat meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
    You can also dial in using your phone.
    United States: +1 (646) 749-3122
    Access Code: 830-412-861

  • Registration is not required, only helpful.

Still scheduled: Council 2020

  • Our contracts allow us to make changes up to a week before the event. You can expect an update from our office by April 16 if there are changes.


Public Office Hours Suspended 

  • LWVMN staff will be working remotely for the next two weeks. 

  • You will still be able to reach us by phone and email. Our phone system allows staff to answer work calls on their cell phones during normal office hours. Email, though, will be easiest way to reach all of us.

    • If you do need to leave a voicemail, please choose one of us and trust we will return your call. It is possible we won't be able to pick up the phone immediately. Please leave a message with one person rather than calling repeatedly or leaving voicemails for more than one staff member per inquiry.

  • We will determine whether working remotely needs to be extended on March 27. If so, you will be updated.

  • LWVMN offers sick days to employees. If any employee is sick, they will be encouraged to stay home without needing to use vacation time. 

  • This is a great moment to be sure you are following us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram

Thank you for your patience during this time of uncertainty.

LWV Minnesota