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Defending Our Democracy - Fighting Against Voter Suppression

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Clean Elections Minnesota is sponsoring a virtual conversation on voter suppression with Keesha Gaskins-Nathan of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Friends of constitutional democracy won't want to miss this event. 

In states across the country, self-styled patriots are spreading disinformation about election fraud; state legislatures are considering and passing laws suppressing the vote, with especially damaging implications for minority communities. Even in Minnesota, organizations are promoting "the big lie" and recommending harmful changes to our tried and trusted election system--to stop using ballot drop boxes, put more partisan judges on election boards, to institute expensive and less reliable hand counting of ballots...and more.

Ms. Gaskins-Nathan, Democratic Practices Director for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, will discuss these voter suppression efforts and their disproportionate impact on communities of color. She’ll also talk about Minnesota’s challenges and how a “culture of participation” can defend voting rights for all people.

A native Minnesotan, Ms. Gaskins-Nathan previously worked as a trial attorney, as executive director of the League of Women Voters MN, and as senior counsel with the Brennan Center for Justice.

Pulitzer Prize-winning Minnesota journalist Dave Hage, a board member of Clean Elections MN, will be the interviewer. Co-hosting the program are the League of Women Voters MN, Common Cause MN, MN Council of Non-Profits, MN Council on Foundations, Fair Vote MN, Minnesota Voice, Minnesota Democracy Campaign and Indivisible chapters of Plymouth, MN03, Edina, St. Croix Valley and St. Paul.

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