Part IV: Candidate Forums
Co-Sponsor Criteria and Communication
Inviting other community organizations to co-sponsor a candidate event with your LWV has several advantages:
helps build a live audience through their promotion to their members
demonstrates good community partnerships
can help command more media coverage
gives candidates an opportunity to appear before an important constituency or constituencies
Selecting one or more co-sponsors must be done with care, however, so that LWV’s reputation and status as a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization is preserved.
Characteristics of an Ideal Co-Sponsor
does not endorse candidates ever (or only after forum has concluded)
is perceived by the community as being nonpartisan (i.e. Kiwanis, Rotary)
is affiliated with a college or university
is a known news organization (i.e. public radio, community access TV)
is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization
serves a specific segment of voters (i.e. Senior Center, African Immigrant Services)
has established mechanisms for communicating with members
is viewed as knowledgeable about their community and issues
Negotiating with a Co-Sponsor
LWV policies and guidelines must be adhered to by co-sponsor
Obtain letter of agreement (see sample) from co-sponsor
Invite co-sponsor to promote event to their members/audience
Co-sponsor may provide quotes for press release and be included in edits
Any audio/video recordings remain property of LWV, but determine if co-sponsor gets copy; if so, recordings must be unedited and with LWV receiving credit
Offer co-sponsor opportunity to make brief introductory remarks or introduce Moderator; other incentives might include: offering co-sponsor a membership or display table outside meeting room, on-stage signage, LWV members helping them register voters, providing volunteers to help host the event or screen questions, serve or provide refreshments, or financial support
Co-sponsors must be recognized on all promotional materials, programs, etc.
Whatever the terms, confirm all arrangements in writing
Always ask for feedback following the function
Extend first invitation to co-sponsors from previous forums