Part II – PowerMail
Creating a New PowerMail Message
The PowerMail feature of Databank allows you to create messages using a drag-and-drop tool (very similar to MailChimp) and send them to your membership. You can use the search features of Databank to select just those members who need to receive the communication, without needing to keep two lists of email addresses synced.
Databank Main Menu
Begin by selecting the “PowerMail” option located under the “Communication” menu item.
PowerMail Folder List individual emails
Clicking on “PowerMail” in the left menu will bring you to this screen, with folders for already-sent messages on the left, and a list of messages in the open folder on the right.
To start a new message, click on the large circled plus sign at the right of the screen.
You will then be asked to choose the “Editor.”
Click on the “Drag & Drop” option.
You will then see the “Properties” screen for your new PowerMail:
Notes on the fields in this screen:
Subject: self-explanatory
Preheader: You can leave this blank (clicking the “i” button will open a page on the Databank website, explaining what a preheader is/does).
Internal Issue Description: this is for your reference; message recipients will not see it. Can leave blank.
Issue Date: Can be set for a later date if you are going to schedule the delivery for a time other than when you are writing it.
Sender Name: as appropriate for the message
Sender Email Address: highly recommend use of your League’s email address for this field; nothing can be guaranteed to bypass spam filters, but our domain is verified which should cut down on spam filtering as much as possible.
Folder: If you opened a folder before creating the message, that folder’s name will be here by default; you can use the drop-down arrow in this field to choose a different location if needed.
New folder name: if you need to create a new folder for this message, this is where you name it.
Publication: leave blank
Sharing Image: leave blank
Campaign: leave blank
Once you are finished entering your PowerMail’s properties, click the “Submit” button in the lower right of the screen. You will see a grey box at the top of the screen, telling you that your message’s details have been saved.
The text at the top of the screen (“Issues,” “Preview,” etc) acts as a series of tabs, taking you through the process of creating and sending your PowerMail. Now that we are done setting up the PoweMail properties, it’s time to click on the “Design” button to start creating your message.
Next: Designing Your PowerMail Message (coming soon)