Part I – Common Tasks
Searches – Identifying Your Current Search
If the data that you are preparing to download seems “off” somehow – perhaps there are fewer member records than you expected – an easy way to double-check that you’ve searched using the correct criteria is to examine the “Current” search.
Step 1
From any “Search Results” screen (image A), you can check the criteria for your search by clicking on the “Current Search” button at the bottom of the list, or by clicking on “Search” in the left menu bar and choosing “Current.”
In both cases you will end up at the “Current Search” detail screen (image B).
In this case, we chose inactive primary members who were not serving in a leadership role (the leadership field was NULL). If that criteria are correct, you can click on “Return to list” in the top left corner and proceed with downloading your data.
If that is not what you were looking for, you can initiate a new search with the correct criteria, using the “Search” and then “Personal” menu items.