Local League Name/Boundary Changes and Dissolution


Boundary and Name Changes

Local Leagues can change their names and boundaries by filling out the embedded forms below. Please keep the state office updated when you are making these decisions. Requests are reviewed and formally approved  by the LWVUS Board of Directors quarterly. For more information, please see Guide to LWVUS Services for Local Leagues.

  •  Name Change Request: To request changes to a local League’s name. Please note that if your new name is also intended to reflect a change in service area, you will also need to fill out a boundary change request form.  

  • Boundary Change Request: To request changes to a local League’s official service area. Please note that a boundary change request must be submitted and approved by the LWVUS Board in order for local Leagues to have their associated ZIP codes changed in the roster portal and in the “Find a League” search on the LWV website.


Dissolving a Local League

Local Leagues can file with the LWVUS to withdraw their recognition as a local league. All requests for withdrawing recognition must first be approved by the state League before they can be approved by the LWVUS Board. LWVUS reviews and approves changes at their quarterly meetings.