Join LWVSP for the April Learn with the League program, “Don't Judge, Lift Up! Local High-Powered Women Helping Others."
This program will be held online on Tuesday, April 23, 7:00pm - 8:00pm.
Learn about areas of the Ramsey County judicial system, specifically the Women's Community Group that meets in St. Paul to help each other navigate the system. We will learn from some of the organizers such as Ramsey County Judges, attorneys, and others as they share the story of lifting each other up in community. This community group was featured in the Star Tribune on December 8, 2023.
This will be a virtual event. Interested participants can register on Zoom at this link: The Zoom webinar will be closed captioned and also rebroadcast through program partners, SCCTV and SPNN.
Our St. Paul – Learn With the League ~The League of Women Voters of St. Paul (, celebrating 100 years, is dedicated to informed and active participation of citizens in government.
LWVSP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that neither supports nor opposes political parties or candidates.