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Making Sense of the 2024 Elections: What Happened, Why, and What it Means for 2025 and Beyond

David Schultz is Distinguished University Professor in the Departments of Political Science, Environmental Studies, and Legal Studies at Hamline University and an adjunct professor of Law at the University of Minnesota and the University of St. Thomas.  He is an expert on government election law, Presidential swing states, economics and all things political.  A four-time Fulbright scholar, Professor Schultz is the author of more than 45 books and 200 articles, including his most recent Generational Politics in the United States: From the Silents to GenZ and Beyond. David is former executive director of Common Cause Minnesota and a former vice-president for the Minnesota and South Texas chapters of the American Civil Liberties Union.  He is licensed to practice law in Minnesota and before the US Supreme Court.

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Earlier Event: December 3
Tech Tuesday Drop-In
Later Event: December 4
Citizenship Ceremony