Part V: Vote411

Encouraging Candidates to Participate

If you want to contact your local candidates about Vote411

  • Remind them to upload their information to Vote411 by going to the link that was provided in their invitation.

  • Candidate invitations frequently end up in spam boxes, so remind them to check there if they haven’t received an invite.

  • If they have not received an invitation, or received one in the mail and would like an email invite instead, they can contact

  • Remind candidates that if they are having problems uploading their responses, there is a character limit, not a word limit.

  • If they have other questions, they can contact

IMPORTANT: DO NOT OFFER TO ENTER OR SUBMIT RESPONSES ON BEHALF OF CANDIDATES OR SUGGEST THAT CANDIDATES CAN EMAIL THEIR RESPONSES. Candidates MUST respond by submitting their own responses directly through the online system. If they are having technical difficulties, or do not have internet access, they can email or call the LWVMN state office at (651) 224-5445.

Potential Blurbs to use when contacting Candidates

Sample 1:
Have you heard of the online guide, You should have received an invitation from the League of Women Voters to participate. If you haven’t, you can contact the League at If you have received the invitation, I’d encourage you to take a look at it and fill it out, so that voters are able to be informed at the ballot box.

Sample 2:
Hi, when I was last on the League of Women Voters online voter guide,, I noticed that you haven’t uploaded your information yet. If you haven’t received an invitation to participate in, email If you have received the invitation, I’d encourage you to take a look at it and fill it out, so that voters are able to learn more about you and your campaign.

Submitting Forums and events to Vote411 & LWVMN

To get upcoming candidate forums and/or recordings of past forums placed on Vote411, submit the information about the event through this form and send your recordings to the LWVMN staff.

If you would like your upcoming forums or events on the LWVMN event calendar, submit them through this form.


Page last updated: January 25, 2021